Infant Booking information

Infant (0-2 years)

Infants who travel on a parent's lap are charged a flat rate of €25/£25* or equivalent per one-way flight on all routes within Europe, or 10% of the adult fare on flights to North America.

For comfort and convenience you may wish to consider purchasing a seat for your infant. To do so, proceed by booking your infant as a child at the applicable child fare and bring your aviation authority approved, forward facing, car safety seat on board the aircraft.

If a baby turns two years old after the outward journey, but before the return trip:

Children more than two years old must purchase a seat. If a child turns two years old during a phase of the journey, you must purchase a seat for the child, or alternatively, make two separate reservations, one for the outward journey and one for the return journey.

Infant date of birth must be provided in order to complete a booking with infants.

*This flat fare rate excludes standard taxes & charges.

Unaccompanied Minors

Aer Lingus does not accept reservations for unaccompanied children under 12 years of age for travel on Aer Lingus scheduled services.

Children under 12 years of age cannot travel unless accompanied by an adult aged 16 years or older, who will take responsibility for the child.

Aer Lingus will accept unaccompanied passengers aged 12-15 years inclusive but will not provide special assistance for these passengers. A Form of Indemnity must be completed by a parent/guardian with respect to such passengers at each airport of departure.

For Aer Lingus - JetBlue Airways connecting flights, unaccompanied minors under the age of 14 will not be accepted for travel by either carrier for any part of the journey.

Unaccompanied minors under the age of 14 departing Italy will not be accepted for travel.