Things often don't go to plan and should you need to cancel your flight here's what you may be entitled to depending on your situation and the route or fare you booked.
To cancel your booking, choose the fare you selected for your flight and request one of the refund options available. You'll find the fare you booked on your booking confirmation email and your ticket.
Your flight will be cancelled once you submit the refund request form.
Flights to/from USA, Canada and the Caribbean may be cancelled within 24 hours of booking for a full refund. Provided the cancellation is made at least 7 days before departure. Please complete our Refund Request Form to request cancellation and a refund. For cancellations outside of this timeframe, please see the guidelines below.
If you booked through a travel agent, online agent or another airline, please contact them to request any refunds.
Please note that cancellation of individual flight segments within a multi-segment itinerary is considered a change. This may result in an increase in fare and a change fee. Cancellation of one of your flights as part of a roundtrip will mean that any remaining flights will be priced as one-way fares and added together. You may need to pay the accumulated difference or if any refund is due, this difference may be deducted from the amount of your refund.
All fare types allow you to change your flight
If your booking was made on, you can change the travel dates, times, destination or upgrade your fare type via Manage Trip. However if your booking includes partner airline connections, or was made with our Reservations Team, please contact us in order to make the required changes. If you booked through a travel agent, online agent or other airline, you should contact them directly.
If your scheduled departure time is further than 2 hours out, check the rules that apply to your fare type above to see what you are eligible for.
If you booked through a travel agent, online agent or another airline, please contact them to change or cancel your booking, or to request a refund.
Please request a refund within 24 hours. Once you do, we'll refund the last booking made if the customer names and itinerary on both are identical.
If you need to cancel due to the death of an immediate family member* or travelling companion, please request a refund using this form.
The flight must be cancelled prior to departure, and you will need to supply a death certificate before we can process the refund back to the original form of payment.
If you want to change your flight due to a bereavement please contact us for assistance.
*We define immediate family members as:If you miss a flight you can still claim a refund of government taxes and charges by requesting a Tax Refund up to 30 days after the flight date.
We will process any amount eligible for refund back to the original form of payment (credit card, voucher, Avios account, etc.) and notify you by email when processed. A refund administration fee may apply.
In certain situations you can request a refund in the form of a voucher to be used within 5 years. The value of this voucher covers your fare, taxes, charges and fees like seats or bags you paid for. It does not cover third-party payments like car hire.
Learn more about voucher refunds.
Depending on the fare you purchased, you may be entitled to get a full cash refund of your fare and/or ancillary fees for seats or bags purchased.
You will be notified if you are entitled to a full cash refund of the fare and ancillary fees in other cases, such as if we cancel a flight.