Here you'll find the most up-to-date information about flight cancellations, how to report or check the status of a delayed bag, and the best ways to contact us.
If you are booked to travel on any of our impacted services, we will contact you directly and advise you of your booking options.
If your flight has unfortunately been cancelled you have 3 options:
1. Change your booking online
2. Request a voucher for future travel
3. Request a cash refund
You can also check the exact status of your flight, or whether you flight has been cancelled if travelling today or tomorrow:
Check Flight Status
Check Flight Cancellations
We understand the inconvenience delayed baggage can cause, please rest assured, we will do everything possible to return your bag as quickly as we can and 90% of all delayed bags are returned to customers within 5 days.
Report a Delayed Bag
If you're waiting for an update on a bag you have reported as delayed, you can check the status of your bag below.
Check Bag Status
Please ensure your name, latest address, flight information and bag type details are correct, so we can better identify and return your bag as soon as possible.
Update Delayed Bag Details
Our agents are here for you 24/7
Chat to an agent Mon–Sun 7am–10pm (Irish Time).
Chat to our bot 24/7.
Here are some common customer queries that you can find the answer to on our website.
The following teams have direct numbers to assist you.
For details on what to do if your bag didn't arrive or to check the status of a bag reported as delayed, please see our delayed or missing bags information section. Otherwise, call us using the following numbers open 24 hours, 7 days.
Check Bag Status
Send us your request at time of booking or at least 48 hours before departure.
Open 24 hours, 7 days
If you have a disability and are experiencing difficulty accessing please call us on (877) 351-6882
Bookings of up to 25 passengers can be made online. Contact Group Sales by phone for bookings of more than 25.
For certain tasks, it's more efficient to use our online forms to submit your request.
You may have further entitlements arising from a flight disruption under EU Regulation 261/2004.
Please let us know of any aspect of your experience that you were not entirely satisfied with via this form.