We have become aware of an increase in fraudulent activities, including scams and impersonation attempts of our social media platforms and aerlingus.com.

To better ensure your safety and security when interacting with us online, we've shared these helpful tips.

Make sure you are only interacting with, and replying to, the company's legitimate social media accounts. Any communication from us will only come via these channels.

  • Don't assume you can trust caller ID. Phone numbers can be altered to look legitimate.
  • Aer Lingus will never ask you for your personal information, password or payment details via social media or unsolicited phone calls.
  • If you receive a call claiming to be from our customer service team, please verify by contacting us through our official customer service numbers.
  • Aer Lingus will never ask you to download an app to process a refund.
  • Do not engage with scam accounts via WhatsApp. You'll find our official WhatsApp chat under 'Chat with us' on our Contact Us page.

Please be aware that fraudsters are actively pretending to be Aer Lingus on various social media platforms. In light of the reported increased levels of this type of fraud, we are alerting you about the heightened risk of fraud threats and their criminal activity.

  • Be cautious of messages or posts that ask for any personal information or direct you to unofficial websites.
  • Don't allow yourself to be rushed. If something seems to be too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid offers that seem excessively generous or urgent.
  • Take your time to do the relevant checks. Always check the URL of the website you are visiting to ensure it is our official site or social media pages.
  • Never share your personal or financial information with anyone you cannot trust and verify.
  • Always use strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and update them regularly.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) where possible to add an extra layer of security.
  • If you encounter any suspicious communications or activity, please report it immediately. You can report fraudulent social media accounts directly to the platform.
  • If you think you may have fallen victim to an online scam or fraud and have given someone your bank or credit card details, contact your bank or card issuer immediately. They can advise you and if necessary, put a hold on your account, cancel your cards or cheques and carry out additional security when issuing payments and transfers from your account.
  • Report it to your local policing authority. For Irish residents, please contact An Garda Síochána.

As a valued customer of ours, we are committed to your safety. We hope this guide will help you to become more fraud aware.

Please: Be Informed, Be Alert, Be Secure.

If you wish to learn more about staying safe online, please visit Be Safe Online, an Irish Government campaign aimed at highlighting ways to help people stay safe whilst conducting online activities.

  • Do not use the same password for multiple accounts - if it is stolen it can be used to take over all of your accounts. Make it strong by using a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. The longer it is, the better.
  • Avoid using personal information, dictionary words and consecutive numbers as these can be guessed.
  • Consider using a passphrase. For example, choose a song or phrase and take the first letter of each word, substitute in numbers and special characters. e.g. Tx2l*hIwwUR (decrypts as "twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are").
  • Check the senders address. Scammers will typically spoof this but if it comes from someone you were not expecting an email from you should be suspicious.
  • Phishing sites will go to great lengths to look believable. One of the ways they do this is by using an established logo. This gives you a sense of security as you trust the brand. Look for poor grammar and spelling errors as they could flag a potential scam.
  • If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Most companies don't give amazing things out for free!
  • Most phishing emails ask you to enter your details or click on a link. This is how they lure you into providing personal information and/or access to your computer to release malware or viruses. Don't click, just hover over the link to see where it directs you. This applies to UNSUBSCRIBE links also.
  • Delete any phishing emails to protect yourself.
  • Look for 'https' at the start of the web address (the 's' stands for secure).
  • Check that a padlock is displayed when entering personal or financial information.
  • A green bar may also appear which means that the website has a valid security certificate.
  • Ensure you have anti-virus protection installed, and that it is up to date.
  • Keep your operating system and software up to date as these protect against the latest security threats.
  • Protect your computer with a complex password and keep the password secret. See the Password guidelines above.

If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.

  • Scams come in many guises; be it social media, email, phone calls, etc.
  • Be suspicious if you are offered a deal, service or prize, especially if you are required to make a payment or provide personal details.
  • Often the deals are only available for limited time periods, forcing you to make an instant decision.

Wi-Fi hotspots in public places are convenient, but often are not secure.

  • Many hotspots do not encrypt information sent over the Wi-Fi network and your information could be accessed by someone else.
  • Don't log in to personal or financial accounts when using public wireless networks.
  • Don't log in to sites that don't seem legitimate. Always ensure the site is fully encrypted.
  • When you have finished using an account, remember to log out.

Mobile devices are essentially small computers.

  • Install anti-virus software to protect from 'malware' (malicious software).
  • Protect your mobile with a password or PIN.
  • Keep your apps up to date.
  • Ensure the physical security of your devices. Don't leave them visible in cars etc.
  • As you leave airports, hotels, ensure you have your devices. You are more likely to lose them than have them stolen.
  • Assume that any public network (free Wi-Fi etc.) is untrustworthy.
  • Avoid using public computers (hotel lobbies, cafes) as you don't know who has been using them before you. If you must use a public computer don't use services that require you to log in or submit passwords.

Treat your personal information like cash.

  • Don't hand personal information out to just anyone.
  • Only provide this information over encrypted websites (look for 'https' at the beginning of the web address).
  • Use password protection for securing personal data.
  • Protect your passwords. Keep them secure and out of plain sight.
  • Do not use the same password for multiple accounts, as if it is stolen it can be used to take over all your accounts.