Find cheap flights to Athens from €92.60*

Great deals on flights to Athens

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

Flights to Athens

Aer Lingus offers regular nonstop flights to Athens.

Why fly to Athens with Aer Lingus?

Since 1936 we've had the pleasure of flying hundreds of millions of people from all around the world. Taking care of people is in our DNA and we look forward to looking after many generations to come. We're simply people who do everything we can for the people who fly with us. At Aer Lingus, you're very welcome.

Things to do and places to see in Athens

There is no need to introduce this iconic city. Athens is the capital of Greece and its largest city. It’s one of the oldest cities in the World with historical records reaching back 3,400 years. There is no need to say that the city is full of breathtaking places, monuments and buildings. It’s hard to decide which sites and places to recommend as there are so many. We did our best to select the top 3. See our picks below.

  • The Acropolis
    This stunning citadel located on a hill above the city is probably one of the most known ancient sites in the world. Its age is estimated at approximately 2,500 years. It consists of a number of smaller buildings like the Erechtheion, Temple of Athena Nike or Parthenon. Most of them are in ruins today but the spirit of the past is still intact. It’s a must-see when visiting Athens.
  • Temple of Poseidon
    If you are a fan of Greek mythology you must see the Temple of Poseidon. The palace of the God Of Sea is located on Cape Sounio. The temple was built to guide all sailors coming back home from their voyage at the sea. Today only a skeleton of a marble temple is standing on Caoe Sounio but it’s worth a visit.
  • Odeon of Herodes Atticus
    This is a fabulous site. The Roman built concert hall was first built in 161 AD. It was covered with a cedar wood roof at the time and it had a capacity of 5,000 guests. It was totally destroyed in 275 and was hidden in the rubble up to 1848 when Kyriakos Pittakis took up the excavation of the site. The theatre was restored in 1950 and it’s in use today. We hope you can manage to experience a concert in Odeon as the acoustics of the marble structure will amaze you for sure.

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Find more flights to Athens with Aer Lingus

Find more flights to Athens with Aer Lingus
Fare Type
FromDublin (DUB)ToAthens (ATH)One way
Depart: 30 Sep 2025



Seen: 17 hrs ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.

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