Dublin to Fuerteventura Flights on Aer Lingus

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Flights from Dublin to Fuerteventura

Aer Lingus offers a regular service between Dublin and Fuerteventura.

Why fly Dublin to Fuerteventura with Aer Lingus?

We know that travel needs to be flexible so we've got lots of ways to make sure you can change your plans easily. The safety and wellbeing of our guests is our number one priority.  Enjoy a safe and convenient flight and a warm Irish welcome on board.

How long is the flight from Dublin to Fuerteventura?

The total flight time from Dublin to Fuerteventura is approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes. The total distance is 2673 miles/4359 km.

Things to do and places to see in Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura is the second largest of Spain’s Canary Islands. It measures 210km from one end to the other. Fuerteventura is sunny all year round.

Fuerteventura has magnificent white beaches, and there are a lot of things you can do such as hiking at craggy El Cardon, scuba, surfing in Corralejo, watching turtles in the Atlantic Ocean. The weather is warm and sunny all year long, which brings even more great vibes to the city. Our top attractions are below:

  • Morro Jable
    Morro Jable is located on the south coast of Fuerteventura. The white sandy beach hosts a lot of Irish pubs and other restaurants. You can enjoy the sunrise and sunset. It also has a church that is on the clifftop.
  • Oasis Wildlife
    If you visit Fuerteventura and don't see the Oasis, you'll be missing out on the island’s allure. Oasis was opened in 1985 and it’s a lovely must-see natural reserve on the island's southeast shore. It covers an area of 800,000 square metres and is home to approximately 3000 animals representing 250 different species, as well as a unique Botanic Garden featuring Europe's largest cactus garden. It is the only zoo in the Canary Islands that has hippos and African elephants. You may also have the pleasure of having direct contact with lemurs in Madagascar, swimming with sea lions, and even taking a stunning excursion down the coast.
  • Corralejo
    Corralejo is a vibrant city in Fuerteventura. During the daytime you can book scuba tours, surf trips and boat outings around the island. You can visit restaurants, fish bistros, and bumping nightlife streets as the sun starts to set. Corralejo has a lot of things for you to do throughout your stay.

How to get from Fuerteventura airport to the city centre?

Puerto del Rosario is the capital of Fuerteventura, and it’s the closest city to Fuerteventura airport.

Puerto del Rosario is 6.5kms away from Fuerteventura airport. The easiest and most hassle-free ways to get to the city centre from the airport are by taxi, bus or car.

Taxi: Taxis are available at the Fuerteventura airport. It is the fastest way to get to town. The journey is about 7kms and takes 10 minutes, and the fare will be approximately €12.

Bus: The cheapest way from Fuerteventura airport to the city centre i.e Puerto del Rosario is by bus for €1.45 and the travel time is around 20 minutes. Bus Number 3 is running every 1530 minutes starting from 7 am to 9.30 pm and every hour from 10pm until midnight from Fuerteventura airport to Puerto Rosario.

Do I need a Visa to visit Fuerteventura?

If you’re an Irish or European citizen travelling to Spain, you must hold a valid Schengen Visa to go from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1 (and vice versa). Failure to hold a Transit Schengen Visa will result in refusal of carriage. If this is not your case, just apply for a tourist visa at the Spanish Embassy in your country of residence. For more information please visit Aer Lingus Passport and Visas.

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