Orlando to Paris Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from Orlando to Paris

Aer Lingus offers a fast connection between Orlando and Paris with a stopover in Dublin.

Why fly to Paris with Aer Lingus

Book your flight to Paris with Aer Lingus and enjoy a warm Irish welcome onboard with complimentary meal and beverage service as well as a wide range of blockbuster movies, classic films, TV programmes and box sets or music videos at your leisure. Play games or stay connected with Wi-Fi and our mobile network inflight.

How long is the flight from Orlando to Paris?

The total flight time from Orlando to Paris is approximately 9 hours. The total distance is 4500km/7250 miles.

Interesting facts about Paris

Known as the City of Lights, Paris is famous for its striking landmarks, air of romance, great shopping, and tasty cuisine. Fall in love with the French capital and book your flights to Paris with Aer Lingus today.

  • Landmarks in Paris
    Admire the iconic Eiffel Tower from afar, before riding the elevator to the viewing point for sweeping city views. Visit highlights like the monumental Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Basilica, Sacré Coeur, Les Invalides and the Pantheon.
  • Shopping in Paris
    Go window shopping along the famous and chic Avenue des Champs Elysées for the ultimate Parisian shopping experience, and then head to Boulevard Haussmann for even more high-end retail. Discover the boutique stores of Rue de Rivoli, browse the trendy stores of Le Marais, and hunt for bargains at Saint-Ouen flea market.
  • Paris with Kids
    Spend a fun-filled day at Disneyland Paris, enjoying various rides and shows and meeting all of your favourite characters. Then, have a Parisian family outing to Parc Astérix and Jardin D’Acclimatation. Watch as your kids enjoy riding the carousel at Jardin du Luxembourg, visit the zoo, and inspire curious minds at the Natural History Museum and La Cite des Enfants.
  • Exploring Paris
    The Metro and bus networks connect most areas of Paris, although walking is the ideal way to explore the city centre. 

How to get from the airport to the city centre?

To get from Charles de Gaulle airport (situated about 25km (15 miles) north east of the city) to central Paris you have options such as taxis and buses, but also the RER train, which is probably the fastest one.

Taxi: Taxis are located in stations located at the gates of the arrivals levels. A journey to the city centre will take around 30 minutes and it will cost between €53-58.

Bus: There are several bus services available at the airport to take you to central Paris. Journey can range from 60-80 minutes and costs from €6 -14.

Trains The RER trains offer the fastest and most reliable transfer option by public transport into the heart of Paris and have two stations inside the terminal. The journey takes approximately 25-30 minutes and costs €11.40.

Do I need a Visa to visit Paris

Visas to France depend on your nationality and length/purpose of your stay. The best thing to do is check the official visa website for France.

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Book Orlando to Paris flight deals*

FromOrlando (MCO)ToParis (CDG)Roundtrip*
1 Mar 2025 - 8 Mar 2025



Seen: 2 hrs ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.