Chicago to Berlin Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Cheap flights from Chicago to Berlin

Fly from Chicago to Germany's capital city, Berlin. One of Europe's coolest cities, Berlin is an amazing experience that every traveller should see.

How do you find the cheapest flights from Chicago to Berlin with Aer Lingus

  1. Book your flights through our website
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  4. Fly at less busy times or mid-week

What to do in Berlin?

Berlin is a sprawling metropolis where everything you could possibly want from a trip is possible. The city has countless amazing museums, it's historically rich, has an incredible food scene and an even more incredible nightlife. The question is not what to do, but how to fit it all in.

Must see attractions in Berlin

Brandenburg Gate: As iconic as any of Europe's monuments, if you haven't been to Berlin before then the Brandenburg Gate is a must see. Built in the 18th century, it is a symbol of the separation between East and West Berlin.

Museum Island: awarded UNESCO world heritage site status, this picturesque series of museums is located at the centre of the Spree river. One of the most beautiful places to go in Berlin you could easily spend a day there.

Checkpoint Charlie: A must see for any history fan. After World War 2, this famous crossing point was the boarder between East and West Germany. Now a days you can have your photo taken, a fun memento to take home with you from Berlin.

Go Clubbing: Although it might not be for everyone, Berlin may have the best nightclub scene in Europe. There are an endless number of bars to choose from with some of the worlds most famous DJs playing regularly. Worthwhile checking out, even just for a couple of hours

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