Dublin to Malaga Flights on Aer Lingus from

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Flights from Dublin to Malaga

Aer Lingus offers direct flights from Dublin (DUB) to Malaga (AGP) on a regular basis. If you are in the market for a short break you can grab a fantastic deal with us! We offer almost a daily service from Dublin to Malaga all year round.

Why fly Dublin to Malaga with Aer Lingus?

We are proud of our fantastic service and Irish hospitality on our short and long haul flights. For your safety, we have equipped all of our aircrafts with modern air filtration systems and have introduced enhanced cleaning procedures. We have moved exclusively to contactless payments for in-flight shopping.

How long is the flight from Dublin to Malaga?

The flight from Dublin to Malaga takes about 2 hours 55 minutes. During the flight, our cabin crew will ensure your journey is safe and comfortable. Sit back and enjoy our service, great food and in-flight entertainment.

Things to do and places to see in Malaga

Malaga is a beautiful city indeed. It's the second-biggest city after Seville in the Spanish district of Andalusia. It's famous for its charm and beautiful, warm weather all year round. The city offers plenty of attractions and will keep you busy no matter what you prefer to do on your holidays!

  • Puerto de Málaga - The port is located only a few minutes from the city centre. It's definitely worth visiting to try out the fantastic restaurants and tapas bars the area has to offer. Take a stroll and admire great looking boats docked at the port.
  • Catedral de la Encarnación de Málaga - A beautiful cathedral built many centuries ago will amaze any architectural enthusiast. The Cathedral of Málaga is located in the historic part of town and is a MUST see when visiting the city.
  • Picasso Museum Málaga - While in the old town you must not miss a visit to Museo Picasso Málaga. The museum holds a superb collection of Picasso's work from the late 19th century.
  • Alcazaba Theater ruins - A great reminder of the Roman Empire. The Alcazaba definitely offers a reflection on the amazing technology applied thousands of years ago.

How to get from Malaga (AGP) airport to the city centre

Malaga (AGP) airport is busy but well-organised. It is located 8km south-west of Malaga city. It's relatively easy to get from the airport to Malaga city.

You have three options

  • Taxi - Quickest but most expensive option. It will cost you around €28 and 15-20 minutes to get to town.
  • Train - Recommended option. It's easy and fun. It takes 12 minutes in to get to town and it will cost you around €2.
  • Bus - You can also hop on a bus. It will cost you €3 and around 20 minutes to get to the city centre.

All options are available directly outside terminal 3

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Book Dublin to Malaga flight deals*

FromDublin (DUB)ToMalaga (AGP)One way
Depart: 11 Mar 2025



Seen: 4 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToMalaga (AGP)One way
Depart: 12 Mar 2025



Seen: 4 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToMalaga (AGP)One way
Depart: 10 Mar 2025



Seen: 4 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToMalaga (AGP)One way
Depart: 18 Nov 2024



Seen: 14 hrs ago

FromDublin (DUB)ToMalaga (AGP)One way
Depart: 19 Nov 2024



Seen: 14 hrs ago

* Fares displayed include air transportation charges, taxes and fees. Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24 hours and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are economy class and may include connections with our partner airlines. Modifying this information may result in a different fare. Additional baggage fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.